The cardio is an excellent sport to complete a diet because it helps burn calories, work your endurance and regain your energy.
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To lose weight, you have to destroy calories. In this game, the cardio is a weapon of mass destruction. Based on the principle of endurance, cardio attack your reservations and help you lose weight. Easy to practice, it is the ally of your diet and your figure.Right now
Cardio training, inside and outside
You still remember the slogan: "move, remove! "The cardio is the perfect illustration. If you have weight to lose and you have started a diet, cardio is an effective aid to achieve results. If you have reached your ideal weight, observe the dietary habits that suit your body type and your age, then choose on a regular cardio activity to maintain your weight. You're spoiled for choice to work your endurance: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, rollerblading. The cardio is done at home, outdoors or in the gym. At home, opt for machines like the rower, Exercise bike, elliptical, treadmill, stepper. Attention some of these activities are more traumatic to the body than others. This is the case of the running. Avoid if you have back problems or knee.
The cardio training, your slimming partner
The cardio is a complete activity that improves the functioning of your cardiovascular and respiratory system. For quick and visible results in terms of weight loss, it is important to perform two cardio sessions per week or 1 h 30 activities in total. If you start, go for 3 sessions of 30 minutes. This is the minimum time for the body to burn stored fat. Then increase the time to 45 to 60 minutes. To lose even more calories, go for biking in the gym here .And 650 fewer calories on the clock!
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